
Mar 1, 2011


Got two Sinful Colors - one in Let's Meet (the yellow with tiny gold flecks, but you can't tell from the photos) and Let's Talk (the deep purple)

It looks so blue in some photos, so I tried taking shots that showed the true purple.

I also added some Hard as Nails Xtreme Wear in Disco Ball to put some sparkle over the purple.

This is the only photo that actually shows how purple the color is :) Really pretty and I like the combo of yellow and purple together.

By the end of the week I should have my stamping kit!! Although I do like the perfection of nail stamping, free-hand is so much harder that I will try to master it and not resort to stamping all the time.  But I can't wait to try out all the different designs :) It's almost like cheating but the nails turn out so perfect and pretty!


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